Users outside iTalk Network can still reach iTalk users with iTalkiNum numbers

Each user gets his unique iTalkiNum number for free at signup or can also get same by logging into Flash based Account Portal >> Buy DID Number >> Promotional Numbers.

Share your unique 15 Digit iTalk iNum number with your friends world over/ Publish it on your website, get all your incoming calls for free on PC/ Mobile Application or forward them to your local Mobiles/Landlines at low per minute rate.

They can reach you via

  • Calls from Skype : Any Skype user can call you by calling your iTALK INUM number with a preceding "+". For example +883510003301234. There is a low per minute charge for the Skype user, so the caller must have Skype credit.
  • Calls from Google Talk : Any Google Talk user can call you for free. They need to add you as a contact with an email address in the following format; For example
  • Calls from Google Voice : Any Google Voice user can call for free you by calling your INUM number with a preceding "+". For example  +883510008101234.
  • Calls from any regular phone : Many phone companies allow their subscribers to call to iTalk iNUM number, but in cases where calls to iNum is not supported, there are local access numbers that anyone can call to, and then place the onward free call to the iTALK iNum number of choice: Click here List of Local Access numbers

All Incoming Calls to iTalk iNum numbers are FREE. Also, any iTalk user can call other iTalkInum number for free